I grew up going to Hardy Falls in Peachland, watching the salmon as they fought their way to their spawning grounds, the place of their birth, both with my and my family and friends.
I decided to take the girls last weekend while the boys were away, knowing that there would be many still on their journey. Though it wasn’t a peak time, we were still rewarded with numerous red fish.
We paused on our walk and watched some a while as they swam back and forth, likely trying to determine where they should jump to make it up the ladder. Once in a while we would see one swim back away from the small waterfall and swim in the pool for a while again. Unfortunately we also witnessed some poor ones as they fell back down what they’d already overcome.
Though these fish haven’t come as far as so many others need to, they still have a long journey. What I didn’t realise is that each fish only goes as far as where they were born. So some go all the way to the waterfall while some remain near the beginning.

As we walked along the path, which is short for our long legs, I thought about just how incredible this journey is for these fish, just how far they must come.
Can you imagine doing this? Once they leave the lake they no longer eat, intent on their one task of making it to their birth place and spawning, nothing else. Their focus and resolve is strong, never deviating or giving up no matter how many times they may back out on a jump or fall right back down. Their determination is inspiring.

How many times in our lives do we look at the next jump or hurdle and become intimated by its perceived size? How many times do we back out at the last minute, afraid of failing, swimming in the pools a while longer? Afraid of falling, and at times even more afraid of making it? These pools we are in are not intended for life, merely a place to rest before taking the next jump into higher places.

Though there will definitely be times that we fall, we must always get back up again. And again. And again. No one ever makes it the first time every time, so why put that unrealistic expectation on ourselves?
The only real fail in life is not getting back up, dusting ourselves off, and showing the jump who’s boss. It may take a few tries, but with each attempt we learn and grow stronger. We learn strategies, limitations, and build up our strength and resilience. Without these ‘failures’ we will never fully learn our strengths or the fullness of who we are and can be. I encourage you to pause every so often and reflect on just how far you’ve come and imagine how much more amazing things will be as you continue to climb.
So no matter where you are, no matter how many times attempted to overcome this next hurdle, or how many times you’ve failed, get back up, dust yourself off, and persevere, because you’ve got this!