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Tea Time

The other day I had the unexpected pleasure of having tea with a lovely friend at her place while I waited for my girls to be done. I wasn’t expecting to stay while I waited, but it just happened; she asked me to stay for coffee, and we had a wonderful visit.

In many ways it was the best afternoon I’ve had in a while. It was peaceful, not rushed at all, and fulfilling. Something I’ve definitely been missing.

Covid has been hard on all of us, some more than others. I don’t feel it as much as so many I think because I still get out every day, get to go work with all of these amazing people that I was, and am, just getting to know. It’s like going to see friends every day.

But for so many their experience is very different. My kids for one struggle with it, especially at the beginning. They were essentially under house arrest, not going hardly anywhere and going in even fewer places. They missed their friends and their routine.

Things are quite a bit more relaxed now with stores opening again and people visiting more, but things aren’t the same as they once were. Though many are going about their lives as ‘normal’, I feel that even they must feel the same as I, that we are not free.

We are not free to come and go as we please, to see whoever we want whenever we want. We must wear masks and stand behind plexiglass when out in stores, following the arrows and guidelines.

This all goes against our very nature for we were created for community. It’s not healthy to be alone, to stay indoors and away from people. I am so thankful we have the social media and technology we have these days to keep us connected, but it’s just not the same. It’s not the same as sitting with a friend enjoying a cup of tea, peace and contentment filling the air as we enjoy each other’s company. This is what we were made for, not solitude.

And so I challenge us all to make the time to have tea with a friend from time to time, no matter how busy we may feel. To seek out even a few minutes with someone who we know fills us, or maybe one we know needs filling. You won’t regret it.

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