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Fully Known Yet Fully Loved

A photo I took of dogwood on an apple box.

I am a creative person and am happiest when I have something crafty on the go. It’s not always the same mode, but there has to be something, whether it’s knitting, painting, photos, writing, baking, I’m most content when I’m working on something.

Over the Christmas season I ended up making four scarves and finishing a fifth I’d started a long time ago (it was about 20′ long in the end), and once they were all finished and I didn’t have another to go, I almost felt lost.

I love the art of creating. I love taking things that are seemingly disconnected and chaotic and making them into something of beauty and whole. Taking bits and pieces and building them into a visual (or literal) story.

Not everyone shares the same vision. For some, to look at what I have to work with they may see a completely different idea and would create something totally different if given the same supplies. Others can’t see anything beyond a pile of rubbish worth no more than to be thrown in the trash.

I don’t know about you, but like most artists I hear, I’m never fully happy with things I create. Sure, I may like the finished product, but there’s always that nagging piece that I couldn’t get right, or something that I still want to change. Others may not see it at all, but I know the piece inside and out and wish it had turned out differently, seeing the blemish hidden beneath layers.

But there is one who loves each and every one of their creations. They know them through and through, yet loves them all with his whole being.

Often we feel that we cannot let others know everything about us, afraid that we will be too much, or fear that our skeletons in our closets be revealed. What would others think? We all have parts of ourselves that we hide from others, just as we do with our artwork, turning the best side or covering with layers.

I was reminded of the love our creator has for us while listening to Tauren Wells this morning, singing:

I’m fully known and loved by you

You won’t let go, no matter what I do

And it’s not one or the other

Whether we like it or not we are fully known, and whether we understand it or not, we are fully loved. Not one over the other, but both so completely to the point of death. He loves us with his whole being, not just when we are so called perfect. And what a wonderful thing that is.

To be fully known, and loved by you.

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